(Hong Kong 24 May 2010) - Showcasing everything from scientific and technological breakthroughs to cultural and economic developments, expos have long provided a vital platform for the exchange of ideas and future plans. As China’s first ever major expo, Shanghai World Expo 2010 will host some 200 national and sponsor pavilions and attract some 70,000,000 visitors from around the world. Pico Far East Holdings Limited (“Pico”)(SEHK: 0752) first contributed its fully-fledged experiential marketing expertise to Vancouver’s world exposition of 1986. At Shanghai, we will once again demonstrate our unmatched expertise in leveraging outstanding global experience and strong local foundations in key commercial hubs. In addition to creating 38 pavilions ourselves, our subsidiary, MP International, will provide exhibition planning and management for the Urban Best Practice Area and contribute proven operation management expertise to 25 pavilions.